Monday, August 27, 2007


The most useless department on the state level is the State Marshals. This department was so riddled with corruption that its was revamped several years ago. New Haven Country High Sheriff the late Henry Healey was infamous for doling out jobs to political cronies. Many of the current Derby Democratic Party “leaders” benefited by being on the good side of Mr. Healey who was a Derby native. These people were never qualified to be Sheriffs ( the old name for the Marshals) but many were appointed to that job as political pay back for donating to Healey’s campaigns. This correlation between donations and jobs led to the department being revamped by the legislature.The Marshals transport prisoners, serve legal papers and keep order in state court houses. In a state with only 1700 State Troopers, it is time to increase that number and utilize them not only for policing state highways but for the same functions as the Marshals. Troopers have weapons unlike Marshals who do not and are helpless if an armed individual enters a court house.That metal detector is not going to stop some one who is intent on harming others and is armed, that person is going to shot their way in. Many of the same political appointees that got jobs as Marshals under the old system were never purged and continue to “earn” a paycheck. This is a department that can have its functions transferred to the State Police and the increase in Troopers will be a long over due and welcome sight.

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