Thursday, August 23, 2007


The Michigan Senate on Wednesday voted to move the state's Presidential delegate selection contests either by caucus or primary to January 15, 2008. What this does in many ways is continue to move the primaries so far up that Connecticut and Derby will never have a say. Not that this state with its 7 electoral votes is a key battleground but by the time our primary comes around we will have been used for our Fairfield County donors and be an after thought. Maybe it time Connecticut considered a straw poll like that in Iowa followed by a caucus on the same day as the New Hampshire primary.

Look this is a blog about political issues that in some way ( whether people realize it or not) have some impact on Derby. This is very important to a City this size in that it would provide the same retail politics here that small cities and towns experience in New Hampshire. There is no reason that it cannot happen because New Hampshire after the primary is no more important than any other state and less so that Florida and the aforementioned Michigan. A moved up primary and or caucus would infuse cash into local economies (including Derby), increase the importance of the state in the political process, but most importantly it will give people from Elizabeth Street to Coe Lane a look at a real live Presidential candidate and give us a chance to ask him or her what are you going to do for Derby.

If the small cities and towns of New Hampshire with no drawing card as attractive as Greenwich for fundraising can do it then we can to. Lets move up and get these people to face us one on one on their way to the Connecticut Political ATM known as Fairfield County.

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