Monday, August 20, 2007


Many local Democrats are wondering why three weeks out from a primary that little or no activity has been seen from the Weissman camp. Ms. Weissman the Republican Alderwoman under Mayor Alan Schlesinger who changed parties to become chief of staff to Mayor Marc Garofalo is running in a primary onSeptember 11th against endorsed Democrat John Orazietti.It is widely reported that the Democratic party is in great turmoil and has a clear split between supporters of John Orazietti and Marc Garofalo.

Ms. Weissman’s candidacy is widely viewed as a protest that has substantial momentum among supporters of of Marc Garofalo that may likely result in a primary victory on September 11th.A loss by Orazietti would effectively end his political career as an elected official but leave him on the cities Redevelopment Authority.Ms. Weisman has always been suspect to local Democratic loyalist for her party change but served Mayor Garofalo with loyalty as his chief of staff. Speculation in the City is that the Weissman candidacy is a front for Marc Garofalo to re-enter the political arena through the back door.

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