Monday, August 27, 2007


Although this is his official title, the Mayor has acted less like a leader and more like a puppet of corrupt politicians who need a job. This Mayor has not purged the city of the corrupt influences of the previous Mayor, Marc Garofalo. The system is run by same people and the results are the same. The schools are poor, the redevelopment zone is unfinished and the taxes are increasing. If this man truly was a change then he would have done something.Nothing has been accomplished and if he and his allies do not believe that people know this he may find out in November.

If in fact the Democrats are so split and the independent Democratic candidate Mr. Thompson does not prevail over this do nothing administration then I predict that the city will face tough financial times that will drive Mayor Anthony Staffieri out of office and back into the kitchen of Connies where he should be now and should have never left.Unqualified and with no leadership skills if he had done something that is positive and cannot be traced back to any previous we would be singing his praises and saying give the man time. Tony is not running the city and is out of his league. The lack any measurable progress in this city proves this.


Anonymous said...

what BS, Tony has more integrity in his little finger than the whole democratic machine does or has had for the last twenty years, they are vindictive small time crooks, Tony is a breath of fresh air and anybody with a brain can see that.

Anonymous said...

No previous Anon poster your guy Tony has no integrity and no clue. That $60k loan to his “kid” went into property that Tony still has an active on going interest in. Since he benefited it should not have happened.

Anonymous said...

I see your point about the loan, but it was a loan not a gift. Lots of people got them, not only Tony's son, but i think it does smell funny too. Probably a mistake on his part, but not illegal. I think compared to the past administrations we are still ahead.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt Tony filled a need and Garofalo being gone is good, but he s served his purpose and should have stepped aside for another Republican. As to the loan although not illegal by the standards of the city ordinance, a city ordinance does not trump state or federal law and the deal is very close to being the opening to a corruption investigation. He received poor advice and some one ( Schlesinger, DeBarberi) any one include Micci for the integrity of the office should have advised him to either put his interest in a blind trust as to the Plaza or as a father he should have told his son that this will harm my political career.