Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Iraq was a mistake based on a lie. Not one told or tolerated by our brave service men and women, but one concocted in the chaos after 9/11. This mess has now come full circle with the Iranian President finally saying what we all knew “U.S. political influence in Iraq is collapsing rapidly and his government is ready to help fill any power vacuum. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is playing President Bush like a cheap drum, beating the political hell out of him day and night. The Iraq was has weakened our military by stretching them thin, resulted in the death of over 3000 brave service men and women and caused a political riff that will not heal for 30 years. Some day these service men and women will be no different than their brothers and sisters during the Viet-nam era. They will some day realize that they were used as political pawns not as the guardians of freedom that they truly are. The President has laid the ground floor for an intense Sunni-Shite civil war that will include Iran and possible suck in Saudi Arabia. When gas prices go through the roof in the next 5-10 years will the 20% of the people in this country still believe in the Bush Iraq policy or will they then believe that it was a mess.

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